Hessian Minister of Finance visits FEIG ELECTRONIC
Mayor Candidate Dr. Johannes Hanisch introduces himself
On March 1st, the Hessian Minister of Finance, Dr. Thomas Schäfer, visited the Middle-Hessian technology company FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH.
The minister as well as the Hessian regional deputy of the electoral district Limburg-Weilburg II, Andreas Hofmeister, visited the company for an hour and a half together with the mayor candidate for the city of Weilburg, Dr. Johannes Hanisch.
After the greeting by the managing director Eldor Walk, the commercial director Volker Klemens and Heilwig Schultze-Feig, the wife of the company owner Wolfgang Feig, Andreas Löw, Marketing & Corporate Communications gave the visitors a general overview of the history, the products and the strategic goals of the company. Rudolf Dörr, Head of Production & Materials Management, then presented the latest investments in state-of-the-art production systems, designed according to the principles of "LEAN Production". Afterwards the visiting group, equipped with ESD protective clothing, went on a tour through the production area. There, Dörr explained particularly the 2.5 million Euro invest in a SMT production, consisting of two production lines, which equips about 80 million components annually.
The visitors were impressed by the development of the company, which was founded in 1966 and has now more than 300 employees. As a quality provider "Made in Germany", FEIG has an excellent reputation worldwide and is growing steadily. 11 job offers in the career area of the new homepage www.feig.de demonstrate this.