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Die kanadische Provinzhauptstadt Regina automatisiert die Schneeentsorgung mit RFID-Technologie von Feig

Zufahrtskontrollleser von Feig stehen im kanadischen Frost ihren Mann.Lesen Sie dazu einen Beitrag aus "RFID im Blick".

Feig provides access control with RFID for snow and more

When winter lasts half a year and produces one metre of snow, snow disposal is one of the most important tasks that a municipality can face. The 191,000-person town of Regina, Canada, requires a budget of 6.5 million Euros for snow and ice removal each year. In order to reduce that amount, Regina relies on innovative solutions: with RFID technology from FEIG, the city of Regina was able to automate access control to its municipal snow disposal – and cut down on costly unlicensed dumping.

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