Encouraging clever teenagers with a talent for technology and natural sciences
Clever teenagers with a talent for technology and natural sciences must be encouraged in good time and introduced to exciting tasks.
For this reason, FEIG ELECTRONIC is involved this year as a supporter of the regional competition Mittelhessen “Jugend forscht”.
Jugend forscht is a school and youth competition in the field of natural sciences and technology and is considered the most well-known in Germany. This year there was again a regional competition for central Hesse, which took place at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen.
In addition to an information stand presenting numerous training projects and current products, two colleagues from the FEIG development departments acted as jurors. In addition, FEIG donated a special prize. The winner receives an exclusive look behind the scenes at FEIG and can experience first-hand what exciting fields of activity a high-tech company like FEIG has to offer.