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Welcome to Payment

Simplify and accelerate your payment processes with payment terminals from FEIG. Highest security and maximum precision included. For international use in payment applications — Made in Germany.

Contactless payment with the cVEND payment terminals


Easy to integrate — comfortable to use — flexible in use

The cVEND terminal family facilitates cashless payments with various types of cards in almost every situation. Contactless debit and credit cards, closed-loop cards and mobile NFC wallets are supported and their acceptance continuously maintained.


Suitable for every application

cVEND payment terminals are available as ready-to-use solutions for most target markets in Europe, ensuring minimal integration effort. Beyond that, they can be used quite flexibly and worldwide via its flex variants. For this purpose, we provide SDKs to integrate Level 3 applications exactly as you need them.


Flexible integration everywhere

Be it fully integrated, partially integrated or surface-mounted — with cVEND payment terminals you can equip vending machines, charging stations and other devices or easily retrofit them. We offer solutions for all surface materials and space conditions.

What is flex, TOPP/DE, NMI und Redsys?

To help you find the right solution for your application, we offer our cVEND payment terminals in different configurations.

The flex version is a developer version. It comes with a fully configured payment operating system. Two SDKs allow you to integrate individual closed-loop and open-loop applications as needed.

We also offer a range of ready-to-use terminals that can be integrated quickly and easily. The TOPP and DE variants have a German payment application and are ideal for terminals that will be used in Germany. With the Redsys variant, we have designed payment terminals specifically for the Spanish market. The NMI variant, on the other hand, enables integration in almost all European countries via the NMI Payment Gateway.

Coming Soon: FEIG PayServ

Learn more about our acquirer-independent payment services for international projects.

Discover FEIG PayServ

Payment applications at a glance