
Industriestrasse 1a,
D-35781 Weilburg
Hessen, Germany

General inquiries

+49 6471 3109-0
+49 6471 3109-99
Send e-mail

Marketing and
PR inquiries

Andreas Löw
Marketing & Corporate communication
+49 6471 3109-344
Send e-mail

Controllers (Gate and barrier control)
Identification (RFID systems)
Payment (Payment terminals)
Sensors (Induction loop detectors)

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

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FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH would like to inform you by means of an electronic newsletter about events and trade fair appearances, new product developments and other news from the business areas you have selected. To do this, we need your email address. By ticking the checkbox below, you agree that FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH may send you a newsletter to promote its own products and services and may process your personal data in this context. You can revoke this consent at any time with effect for the future by sending an email to or by using the "Unsubscribe" button within the newsletter. Further information on data protection can be found in the privacy policy.