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One-stop acquirer independent payment services for international projects

You want to have ...

  1. one terminal supplier and the same terminal hardware for your international business?
  2. the option of choosing between several acquirers?
  3. the same terminal ECR functionality for all of your international projects?
  4. transparent reporting on your terminals at any time?
  5. and finally one PSP contract for all this?



Then we have exactly the right thing for you with the soon available FEIG PayServ!

FEIG will offer its customers shortly one-stop acquirer independent payment services for international projects with solutions for all those challenges you face in international business.

Coming soon: FEIG PayServ

One contact for any sales and support issues

Same terminal hardware for international projects

One integration with identical ECR interfaces

One web portal for onboarding, configuration, reports and analytics

One PSP contract for multiple international projects