Communication module for FEIG door control units with integrated safety module
Machine safety gates offer optimal protection for workers within automated manufacturing processes. For this purpose, there are safe sensors on the gate that monitor various safety-relevant parameters and are in direct dialogue with the higher-level process control. The FEIG control TST FUxF in combination with the communication module TST RCCA-B/-C/-D makes it possible to bundle the information from the sensors and the gate and transmit it to the higher-level process control via PROFINET.
Special features:
- Safety module with PROFIsafe interface
- PROFINET Switch for connecting further PROFINET participants
- 6 secure inputs (FDI) for external safety sensors
- Secure output contact (FDO) for secure stopping of the door control unit
- Connection of up to 4 IO-Link Devices
- 6 further inputs without safety function
Here you will find everything you need for a successful integration: Microsite TST RCCA-B/-C/-D
Learn more: Video