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cVEND plug

Module for contactless payment and ticketing

cVEND plug

The cVEND plug is a compact payment module that is available in its basic version without a housing, but also as a partially integrated or surface-mounted version thanks to its modular concept. With approx. 80mm x 70mm it is hardly bigger than a credit card. It is a payment terminal with the latest PCI 5.x and EMVCo. Certifications. In addition to common connections such as RS232, USB, LAN, the module also offers a slot for a μSD card and an expansion slot for plug-in modules. The interaction with the customer takes place via 6 LEDs and a buzzer which is also suitable for noisy environments. Depending on the application, it is available in different software configurations.


The terminal is available in the following variants:

flex TOPP NMI PayServ.GWS

Produktbild des cVEND plug als NMI-Version
Produktbild des cVEND plug als NMI-Version
Produktbild cVEND plug
Detailansicht der Bestandteile des Modular Kits für den cVEND plug